wh question and answer Class 5 bangla - searchkormo.com

 (Wh - question and answer class 5) Wh- বলতে সেসব শব্দকে বুঝায়, যেসব শব্দের মধ্যে W এবং h দুইটি অক্ষর থাকে। এই শব্দগুলো দ্বারা প্রশ্ন করা যায় উক্ত Wh – শব্দগুলো হলো What, Who, Where, When, Why, Whose, Whom এবং How।

Wh - question and answer class 5 - searchkormo.com

সহজভাবে Wh Question তৈরি করার নিয়ম:

১. কে/কারা বুঝালে Who দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করতে হয়।
২. কাকে/কার সাথে/ কার দ্বারা বুঝালে Whom দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করা হয়।
৩.কার বুঝালে Whose দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করা হয়।
৪. প্রদত্ত Sentence টি দ্বারা কী, পেশা, বয়স, উচ্চতা, ইত্যাদি সম্পর্কে জানতে চাওয়া হলে What দ্বারা

Wh-Question গঠন হয়।

৫. সময় সম্পর্কে জানতে চাওয়া হলে When দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করা হয়।
৬.প্রদত্ত sentence টি এর মধ্যে জায়গা উল্লেখ থাকলে where দ্বারা Wh-Question গঠন করা হয়।
৭. কীভাবে, কত, কেমন ইত্যাদি ‍বুঝালে How দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করা হয়।
৮. কোনটি বুঝালে Which দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করা হয়।
৯. কেন বা কোন কারণে বুঝালে Why দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করা হয়।

Wh-Question তৈরির সাধারণ নিয়মাবলি:

১. Who এর ব্যবহার:

 কাকে বা কাদের বুঝাতে Who ব্যবহার করা হয়। কাকে বা কাদের নির্দেশ করতে যে Word বুঝাবে, সেই Word এর নিচে underline হবে।
Structure: Who + Verb + Extension?
1.   Jessica is going to chitagong
Wh-Q: Who is going to chitagong?
2.   Andy Smith is a new person here.
Wh-Q: Who is a new person here?
3.   Nasreen and Tamal are reporters.
Wh-Q: Who are reporters?
4.   Zainul Abedin comes from Kishoreganj.
Wh-Q: Who comes from Kishoreganj?

২. Whom এর ব্যবহার: 

কাকে, কার সাথে, কার দ্বারা বুঝালে Whom দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করতে হয়। কাকে, কার সাথে, কার দ্বারা যে word বুঝবে, সেই word এর নিচে Underline হবে।
Structure: Who/with whom/to whom/ by whom + Auxiliary verb(সাহা্য্যকারী ক্রিয়া) + subject+মূল verb + Extension + ?
1.    You want your brother.
Wh-Q: Whom do you want?
2.   I live with my parents.
Wh-Q:Whom do you live with?
3.   We went with our parents.
Wh-Q: Whom did we go with?

৩. Whose এর ব্যবহার:

 কার বা কাদের বুঝালে Whose দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করত হয়। কার বা কাদের বুঝাতে যে Word ব্যবহৃত হয়, সেই Word এর নিচে Underline হবে।
Structure: Whose + noun + be verb + object + extension + ?
Or Whose + be verb +…?

 Saikat’s Father is a banker.
Wh-Q: Whose father is a banker?
  Rashid’s father is ill.
Wh-Q: Whose father is ill?
 His sister is Mariam
Wh-Q: Whose sister is Mariam?

৪. What এর ব্যবহার:

 কী দ্বারা প্রশ্ন করে কোনো কিছু সম্পর্কে জানতে চাওয়ার ক্ষেত্রে What Sentenceেএর শুরুতে বসে। এক্ষেত্রে What যুক্ত Interrogative Sentence এ কোনো Pdrsonal Subject থাকবে না। কী বলতে  যে Word বা word সমষ্টি বুঝাবে, সেই word এর নিচে Underline হবে।
Structure: What + Verb + Object + Extension + ?
1.   Saikat is in class 5.
Wh-Q: What class is Saikat in?
2.   Raju is a firefighter.
Wh-Q: What is Raju?
3.   Today is Saturday.
Wh-Q: What day is today?
4.   Now it is the month of April.
Wh-Q: What month is it now?
5.   His father is a teacher.
Wh-Q: What is his fateher?
6.   A farmer grows food.
Wh-Q: What does a farmer grow?

৫. When এর ব্যবহার:

 সময় সম্পর্কে জানতে চাওয়া হলে When দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করতে হয়। সময় বুঝাতে সবসময় Sentence-এ When ব্যবহৃত হয়। যে word দ্বারা সময় বুঝাবে তার নিচে Underline হবে।
Structure: When + Auxiliary Verb + subject + মূল verb + Extension + ?
1.   Sikat gets up at six o’clock.
Wh-Q: When does Saikat get up?
2.    He has breakfast at seven o’clock.
Wh-Q: When does he have breakfast?
3.   He goes to school at 9 a.m.
Wh-Q: When does  he go to school?

৬. Where এর ব্যবহার:

 Where বলতে কোনো স্থানের কথা বুঝায়। কোনো স্থান সম্পর্কে জানতে চাওয়া হলে Where দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করতে হয়। ‍Sentence এর স্থানের নিচে Underline হবে।
Structure: When + Auxiliary verb/ be verb/doing verb + subject + verb + Extension + ?
1.   Saikat lives in Bogora.
Wh-Q: Where does Saikat live?
2.   Sima is from Sylhet.
Wh-Q: Where is Sima from?

৭. How এর ব্যবহার: 

(a) কীভাবে কার্য সম্পন্ন হয় তা জানার জন্য How দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করা হয়। কীভাবে, কীসের মাধ্যমে বুঝাতে যে Word ব্যবহৃত হয়, তার নিচে underline হবে।
1.   Iwant to Chitagong by train.
Wh-Q: How did you go to Chitagong?
2.   Nasreen is 10 years old.
Wh-Q: How old is Nasreen
(b) কোনো ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুর ধরণ/ প্রকৃতি বা গুণাবলি কেমন াত জানার কন্য How দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করা হয়। যে Word দ্বারা ধরন বা গুণাবলি বুঝায় তার নিচে Underline হবে।
1. He is very rich.
Wh-Q: How rich is he?
2. I am very happy.
Wh-Q: How happy are you?
(c ) বয়স, গভীরতা, উচ্চতা, দৈর্ঘ, প্রস্থ, সময় জানার জন্য How দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করা হয়। বয়স, দৈর্ঘ্য, প্রস্থ বুঝাতে যে word ব্যবহৃত হয় তার নিচে Underline হবে।
1। The bench is 6 feet long.
Wh-Q: How long is the benc?
2. The height of the boy  is 4 feet.
Wh-Q: How height is the boy?
(d) পরিমান বুঝাতে How much বা How many দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করা হয়।
Structure: How/much/many/noun/ponoun/subject+ main verb+ extension+?
1. There are days in a week.
Wh-Q: How many days are there in a week?
2. I have five hundred taka.
Wh-Q: How much mon ey do you have?

৮. Why এর ব্যবহারঃ 

Why শব্দের অর্থ কেন বা কোন কারণে ( For what person), তাই কোনো কারন সম্পর্কে জানার জন্য Why দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করা হয়। যে Word দ্বারা কেন বা কোনো কারণ বুঝায় তার নিচে Underline হয়।
Structure: Why+ Auxiliary verb/be verb/doing verb+ subject+ main verb + extension+?
1. He goes to school to learn.
Wh-Q: Why does he go to  school?
2. He went to London to learn higher education.
Wh-Q: Why did he go to London?

৯. Which এর ব্যবহার: 

‘কোনটি প্রশ্ন জিজ্ঞাসা করত Which দ্বারা Wh-Question তৈরি করা হয়। যে Word দ্বারা কোনটি বোঝায় তার নিচে Underline হবে।
Structure: Which + Noun+ Auxiliary verb+ subject+ মূল Verb+ extension?
1. This pen is fine.
Wh-Q: Which pen is fine?
2. The frog was angry.
Wh-Q: Which war angry?
3. The bird was happy.
Wh-Q: Which was happy?
4. This house was small.
Wh-Q; Which was small?
5. Kishoreganj is 145 kilometers from Dhaka.
Wh-Q: Which is 145 kilometer from Dhaka?

প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা সমাপনী পরীক্ষার বিগত বছরের প্রশ্নোত্তর  
 (Wh - question and answer class 5)

1.   Make WH Question from the given sentences with Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, And How using

  •    Kazi Nazrul Islam is our national poet.
  •    Saikat’s Mother cooks at 6 a.m.
  •    Rahim comes from Dhaka.
  •    The tortoise walked steadily.z
  •   Sakib is a student.
  •   Who is your national poet?
  •  When does Saikat’s mother cooks?
  •    Where does Rahim come from?
  •    How did the tortoise walk?
  •    What is Sakib?

2.   Make WH Question from the given sentences with Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, And How using.

  • The picture is beautiful?
  • The tortoise won the race.
  • Saikat's mother cooks at 6. a.m.
  • Sima is in class five.
  • Samira is going to market for shopping.
  • How is the  picture?
  • Who won the race?
  • When does Saika's mother cook?
  • What class is Sima in?
  • Why is Samira going to market?
3.  Make WH Question from the given sentences with Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, And How using.
  • The name of our country is Bangladesh.
  • There are twelve months in a year.
  • Kazi Nazrul Islam is our national poet.
  • Rahim comes from Dhaka.
  • Rina has her breakfast at 7 a. m.
  • What is the name of your country?
  • How many months are there in a year?
  • Who is you national poet?
  • Where does Rahim come from?
  • When has Rina her brakfast?
4. Make WH Question from the given sentences with Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, And How using.
  • We go to hospital to get treatment.
  • There are twelve months in a year.
  • Sakib is a student.
  • We reached the fair at 10. a. m.
  • Babul lives on the island of Dublarchar.
  • Why do you go to hospital?
  • How many months in ayear?
  • What is Sabib?
  • When did you reach the fair?
  • Where does Babul live on?
5.  Make WH Question from the given sentences with Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, And How using.
  • Kazi Nazrul Islam is our national poet.
  • Sahin will go to Sylhet next week.
  • We go to hospital to get treatment.
  • She took the English book from her school bag.
  • Babul lives on the island of Dublarchar.
  • Who is your national poet?
  • When will Shahin go to Sylhet?
  • Why do you go to hospital?
  • What did she take from her school bag?
  • Where does Babul live on?

6.  Make WH Question from the given sentences with Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, And How using.
  • Karim kikes to play football.
  • Sabina went to market.
  • Shahin will go Sylhet next week.
  • The picture is beautiful.
  • They came to put out the fire.
  • Who likes to play football?
  • Where did Sabina go?
  • When will Shahin go to Sylhet?
  • How is the picture?
  • why did thy come?
7. Make WH Question from the given sentences with Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, And How using.
  • Sakib is a student.
  • The Nilkantha Tea Cabin is an Sreemangal.
  • Bangladesh became independent in 1971.
  • Kazi Nazrul Islam is our national poet.
  • Nahid needs 500 taka.
  • What is Sakib?
  • Where is the NilkanthaTea Cabin?
  • When did Bangladesh become independent?
  • Who is your national poet?
  • How much taka does Nahid need?

8. Make WH Question from the given sentences with Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, And How using.
  • The name of our country is Bangladesh.
  • They came to put out the fire.
  • Kazi Nazrul Islam is our national poet.
  • Nahid needs 500 taka.
  • Bangladesh became independent in 1971.
  • What is the name of your country?
  • Why did they come?
  • Who is your national poet?
  • How much taka does Nahid need?
  • When did Bangladesh become independent?
9. Make WH Question from the given sentences with Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, And How using.
  • The weather was nice.
  • She works in a bank.
  • We eat to live.
  • Raju likes teaching.
  • Maria is happy.
  • How was the weather?
  • Where does she work?
  • Why do we eat?
  • What does Raju like?
  • Who is happy?
10.  Make WH Question from the given sentences with Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, And How using.
  • Sima is at home.
  • Raju is in class five.
  • There are 13 upazilas in Kishoreganj distrcit.
  • The day was awful.
  • Tahsan gets up at 6.a.m.
  • Where is Sima?
  • Whois in class five?
  • How many upazilas are there in Kshoreganj district?
  • How was the day?
  • When does Tahsan get up? 
11. Make WH Question from the given sentences with Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, And How using.
  • Sima is ill.
  • She works   in abank.
  • Maria gets up early.
  • We eat to live.
  • Tahsan gets up at 6. a.m.
  • How is Sima?
  • Where does she work?
  • Who gets up early?
  • Why do we eat?
  • When does Tahsan get up?
12. Make WH Question from the given sentences with Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, And How using.
  • Maria is happy.
  • It was a fine day.
  • Raju likes teaching.
  • Sima is at home.
  • Andy visited Cox's Bazar last month.
  • Who is happy?
  • How day was it?
  • What does Raju like?
  • Where is Sima?
  • When did Andy visit Cox's Bazar?
13. Make WH Question from the given sentences with Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, And How using.
  • They go to library to practise English.
  • They go to school by bus.
  • Raju is in class five.
  • The doctor visited Sima last night.
  • She works in a bank.
  • Why do they go to library?
  • How do they go to school?
  • Who is in in class five?
  • When did the doctor visit Sima?
  • When does she work?
14.  Make WH Question from the given sentences with Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, And How using.
  • Sima eats fruits everyday.
  • He grows crops.
  • People come to Solakia to celebrate Eid.
  • They live in a big village.
  • Ritu gets up early in the morning.
  • Who eats fruits everyday?
  • What does he grow?
  • Where do people come to celebrate Eid?
  • Where do they live?
  • When does Ritu get up?
15.  Make WH Question from the given sentences with Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, And How using.
  • The doctor visited Sima last night.
  • Milk is a good food.
  •  He is going to the book fair.
  • She is 10 years old.
  • Raju is a full time firefighter.
  • Who visited Sima last night ?
  • What is a good food?
  • Where is he going?
  • How old is she?
  • Who is a full time firefighter?
16.  Make WH Question from the given sentences with Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, And How using.
  • He plays Cricket.
  • You are 10 years old.
  • A dressmaker makes dresses.
  • They are sleeping in the tents.
  • They arrived in the morning.
  • What does he play?
  • How old are you?
  • Who makes dresses?
  • Where are they sleeping?
  • When did they arrive?
17.  Make WH Question from the given sentences with Who, What, When, Where, Why, Which, And How using.
  • Maria gets up early in the morning.
  • Everyone was very happy.
  • The cow is in a hut.
  • He likes apples and bananas.
  • She can read Braille.
  • When does Maria get up?
  • Who was very happy?
  • Where is the cow?
  • What does he like?
  • What can she read?

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