A dialogue between myself and bookseller - Searchkormo.com

 (A dialogue between myself and bookseller) You want to buy a book from a book shop. Now write a dialogue between you and the bookseller.

A dialogue between myself and bookseller - Searchkormo.com

Ans: A dialogue between myself and bookseller.

Myself: Do you have ‘War and Peace’ Please?

Seller: I’m afraid it’s been sold out.

Myself: Sold out? I don’t think it is possible. Please look for it carefully.

Seller: Wait a minute please. Do you want ‘War and peace’ by Leo Tolstoy?

Myself: Yes.

Seller: I have got a copy. Here it is,

Myself: What’s the price, please?

Seller: Five hundred Taka.

Myself: Ok. Please pack it for me.

Seller: Goodbye.

Myself: Goodbye.

Read More: Dialogue preparation for jsc exam.

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